There are a lot of weird things in this world, but can you believe that some things get stuck up in some butts?
Yep, you read that right.
I actually dont get why people could get a bit creative with the things they do on the south side. I cant even stomach the thought of a suppository being shoved in my backside!
Here are some of the WEIRDESTandthe BIGGEST things to get stuck up on peoples butts:
1. A Vibrator and a Pair of Tongs
When she/he says, Go deeper, so you grab the closest thing to you in the heat of the moment. I cant believe the tongs were included! Or were they just too mortified to go to the Emergency Department and tried to fix it themselves.. hmmmmmmmm
2. Barbie
Ill play Ken, you be Barbie
Poor Barbie, her pretty face was only good for the butthole!
3. A Pint Glass
This was a Yeah The Boys moment.
4. An Egg?
Its for a science project, I swear, I bet that egg shouldve been hard-boiled after 5 minutes.
5. A tape
Gotta preserve the classics. Oooh, diagonal goodness.
6. A Wine Bottle and a Coat Hanger
I reckon a coat hanger will do the trick to fish that wine bottle out. Looking at this gave me goosebumps.
7. A Giant Squid
His name is squishy, and he shall be my squishy
8. A Candy Cane
You just know this person just loves Christmas a little too much and obviously got a little too excited.
9. A Light Bulb
Seemed like a bright idea at the time. Good thing it didnt get crushed.
10. A Dagger
You never know when she might come in handy. Painfully arousing Not!
11. ABilliard Ball
My head hurts.
12. Buzz Lightyear
To infinity and beyond. Goodness, I am owned!
13. Jar
I dont even know how this is humanly possible.
14. A Fork
Its supposed to fork the eggs. Oops, sorry I was just talking about some breakfast-y stuff.
15. A Coke Bottle
Just saving it for later. But of course, itll be a bit warmer by then.
16. A Hand Gun Loaded
You would have never seen it coming. That Fall Out Boy song is reverberating on my mind when I saw this.