Easter is almost here and although it is a very spiritual time, it’s also lots of fun for the kids

Our family loves decorating for Easter and organizing our Easter egg hunts. We start our Easter DIY decor around the last week in March and then move onto the egg coloring and candy buying in early April so we are all ready for the big day. My daughter found a bunny topiary project on Youtube that she really wanted to make for our entryway and all the materials were super affordable from Dollar Tree. She had the whole thing planned out, she made it out of bowls that she glued together using her trusty hot glue gun and hen covered the whole thing in artificial moss. At the very end, she added some small battery-operated fairy lights from Michael’s Craft Store. We used our 40% off coupon on Michael’s app so the fairy lights only cost us $4.00. All and all this bunny topiary was a very affordable project.
Materials: 2 Clear Plastic Bowls (from Dollar Tree) 2 Smaller White Bowls (from Dollar Tree) 1 Plastic Planter Pot (from Dollar Tree) Small piece of Floral Foam Plastic bunny Face (from Dollar Tree) 3 Bag of Faux Moss A Glue Gun Glue Sticks Directions:
First, you just attach all the bowls, planter pot, bunny ears, and floral foam with your trusty hot glue gun. You can also make the bunny’s ears out of a coat hanger if you cannot find the bunny face at Dollar Tree.

Then you empty your 3 packs of floral moss into a shoebox and glue on to the entire bunny structure. When you have covered the bunny completely, you can decorate him with lights and a bow, whatever you choose will look great.

This bunny looks fabulous in the entryway and my daughter is really proud of it.
Dollar Tree Easter Bunny Topiary
The post Dollar Tree Easter Bunny Topiary appeared first on DIY Joy.
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