
Beat Your Coat Hangers into Antennas, Not Plowshares

Beat Your Coat Hangers into Antennas, Not Plowshares

If you are looking for a fun project while you are cooped up and you have some spare coathangers, why not try this 4-element Yagi antenna (PDF)...
Beat Your Coat Hangers into Antennas, Not Plowshares

Beat Your Coat Hangers into Antennas, Not Plowshares

If you are looking for a fun project while you are cooped up and you have some spare coathangers, why not try this 4-element Yagi antenna (PDF)...
Incredible Ikea Coat Hanger

Incredible Ikea Coat Hanger

IKEA has a wide variety of stylish and sturdy clothes hangers and coat hooks. Shop today! Find wall-mounted hooks and knobs for hanging coa...